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Oatmeal with Chia, Mango & Strawberry

Vegan, Gluten Free 

Posted on March 31st, 2015 

One of the most delicious, filling, quick and highly nutritious meals you can eat to get through the day. It will also satisfy your sweet tooth craving without feeling guilty, actually quite the opposite. It always works for me, so give it a try and you will see. In addition to that, I also recommend the yellow “Ataulfo” mango. I always prefer these mangos over the most common ones. They are much sweeter and I also like their texture. If you don’t want to add too much maple syrup, then cut up the whole mango, which will add a lot of sweetness to your bowl.   


Morning Bliss Recipe

 Author: Lena Novak - Lena's Vegan Living

 Recipe type: Breakfast    

 Prep time 5min  Cooking time 5min  Total 10min

 Serves 2




Oats 1/2 cup

Chia  1/2 cup

Water 2 cups 

Hemp milk 1 cup (or plant based milk of your choice)

Strawberries 1 cup diced fresh or frozen (if frozen, warm them up before adding in)

Mango sliced

Almonds sliced for garnish

Maple syrup to your taste







Mix oats, chia and water in a medium pot

Bring it to boil while stirring (I like to use whisk to make it nice and smooth)

When ready, take it from the heat and add milk while stirring

Adjust the thickness to your preference, by adding more or less milk then 1 cup

Add strawberries, slices of mango & maple syrup

Garnish with almonds

I really hope you will try this delicious and highly nutritious breakfast and you will add it to your recipe list.   Please let me know what you think, I would love to hear your feedback.


Bon Appetit

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