Peer pressure and Veganism
Posted on May 24th, 2015
There are many reasons why an average individual is reluctant to go vegan and one of the major ones is undoubtedly a peer pressure.
Based on what I have observed amongst my non vegan friends and family, I am confident to say that most of them are not vegans yet, mainly because of this reason. I have been promoting veganism intensively on Facebook and by direct contact with my peers since 2011, but only one of my friends has become fully and openly vegan. When I say openly, I mean that she is also promoting veganism publicly. The truth is however that she was already leaning towards veganism even before I began influencing her. So it did not take much of an effort and I am not taking a full credit for her awakening. Truthfully, no one can ever take a full credit for any type of transformation of another individual. We can only influence each other, but never be fully responsible. Especially when it comes to veganism, which is one of the most powerful transformations, so it obviously has to come from within.
Now the problem with most individuals is that even while knowing the truth, what is really holding them back is their lifestyle, friends, colleagues and families. For example summer barbeques, one of the major social activities in Canada where I live. The season just began with the arrival of May here in Ontario and everybody is waiting with anticipation for each weekend to come, hoping that the weather will be nice enough to have a barbeque party. I understand that when you are working nine to five every day and stuck in the traffic for two hours on top of that, the weekend with your friends and family is really the only think to look forward to. The life that we have created for ourselves is nothing but a rat race and the majority of people are stuck in it, without even realizing the sad reality. So how could I expect them to think about the suffering of animals, the destruction of the Eco system and their own spiritual self when they are just trying to survive and pay their bills?
I do not believe for a second that the majority of people do not know what is happening to animals, the planet and their own well being. I’m quite confident to say that they are in a denial choosing to keep the status quo of their comfort for no other reason than fear. This is not the same fear as walking through a dark alley at night. No, this is a fear of the small limited ego which is afraid of the unknown, afraid of losing friends, upsetting their wife or husband, their parents, their in-laws, their own children or even losing a job. Sometimes however, it is nothing else than being uncomfortable with the idea to be at a social gathering where products of animals are traditionally served. How can a person live like that? I agree it is not easy, but it is not as bad as the majority of people imagine.
What about all of us vegans? We have friends and families too, so if we are able to do it then I can assure you, everyone can. The North American culture created all types of Superheroes for teenagers and even adults to look up to and fantasize to be like them, but when it comes to take a real life action they are hiding under the bed, metaphorically speaking. From the perspective of the culture that we live in, being a Superhero should give you fame even though your face is covered with the mask, but as a vegan you are out in the open without a mask and without popularity. Being a vegan is just a humble act without any expectation of reward and on top of that the risk of upsetting the status quo.
Nevertheless, there is a true reward for being a vegan, which most people do not realize. It is the experience of a guilt-free, authentic and fulfilling life, full of new discoveries about different foods to eat that most of us did not even know existed. In addition to that, new products are popping up on the market and experiment with them is so much fun. There are many ways to spice up your vegan life by being creative and innovative. Your spirit will awaken and you’ll see a new horizon full of discoveries. Your positive energy will attract like minded people who will support the new you, your old friends will adapt and those who will not were obviously not real friends in the first place.
So give it a try letting go of the unreasonable fear and be a Superhero, not only for the animals and the planet that need your help desperately, but also to liberate your own self. As I said in my previous article, the vegan movement today is stronger than ever and the vegan community is here to help you. If you need help do not hesitate to contact me or one of my vegan associates listed on the guest page.
Thank you for reading,
Lena Novak

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