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Butternut Squash with Sweet Potatoes & Asparagus

Vegan - Gluten Free

Posted on September 11th, 2015

Fall is around the corner, so now is the time to share some delicious squash recipes. This one is easy for anyone to make it, even for those who never cooked before. Some of you may grow your own squash in a garden which means that you have to cut it in half, remove the seeds then peel the skin and cut in cubes. For those of us who have to by their squash we can buy the whole squash or we can also buy it already prepared in a package. Since I like to save time and my energy, I do buy the one that is already prepared, which is little bit more expansive. Otherwise the whole butternut squash is very inexpensive,but highly nutritious. 


  • Butternut squash composes of many vital poly-phenolic anti-oxidants and vitamins. As in other Cucurbitaceae members, butternut too has very low calories; 100 g provides just 45 calories. It contains no saturated fats or cholesterol; however, is rich source of dietary fiber and phyto-nutrients. Squash is one of the common vegetables that often recommended by dieticians in the cholesterol controlling and weight-reduction programs.

  • It has more vitamin A than that of in pumpkin. At 10630 IU per 100 g, it is perhaps the single vegetable source in the Cucurbitaceae family with the highest levels of vitamin-A, constituting about 354% of RDA. Vitamin A is a powerful natural anti-oxidant and is required by the body for maintaining the integrity of skin and mucusa. It is also an essential vitamin for optimum eye-sight. Research studies suggest that natural foods rich in vitamin A help the body protected against lung and oral cavity cancers.

  • Furthermore, butternut squash has plenty of natural poly-phenolic flavonoid compounds like a and ß-carotenes, cryptoxanthin-ß, and lutein. These compounds convert into vitamin A inside the body and deliver same protective functions of vitamin A on the body.

  • It is rich in B-complex group of vitamins like folates, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine), thiamin, and pantothenic acid.

  • It has similar mineral profile as that in pumpkin, containing adequate levels of minerals like iron, zinc, copper, calcium, potassium, and phosphorus. Read more


Butternut Bisque Recipe

Author: Lena Novak – Lena’s Vegan Living

Recipe type: Soup

Prep time 20min  Cooking time 30min  Total 50min

Serves 4




Butternut squash 2cups (peeled and cut into cubes)

Sweet Potato  2cups (peeled and cut into cubes)

Asparagus 1 bunch

Onion cut into 4 quarters

Garlic 6 cloves sliced

Black pepper to taste

Himalayan pink salt to taste

Water 5 cups






Bring water into the boil and add the butternut squash with sweet potato onion, salt & pepper.  

Cook on medium heat for 45 min.

In the mean time, sauté the garlic to golden brown and add it into the mix.

When ready, take the pot of the heat.

Wait about ½ hour for it to cool down little and then blend everything in the blender until you get smooth creamy texture.

You can add little bit more water, if the texture is too tick and salt if need it.

Cut the asparagus on smaller pieces and grill them or steam them if you prefer, (make sure you don’t overcook them, they get softer in the soup) and add them to the bisque.

Serve topped with pine nuts, sprinkled with nutritional yeast and whole grain garlic bread.


I really hope you will try this healthy and delicious soup, because I have no doubth you will love it. Please leave comments, I would love to read about your experience.  


Bon Appetit 

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