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Vegan, Gluten Free, Oil Free Bean Soup

May 11th, 2015

Hearty bean soup is simple, delicious, highly nutritious and cost effective meal that anyone can make and afford. It is again a recipe that I inherited from my grandmother, except mine is gluten free and oil free. I usually sauté an onion or garlic when I make soups, but in this case I tried to make it without it for the first time. I mainly did it because of my friend Michael who was coming for visit. He is primarily vegan fruitarian, but he eats cooked meal once a day, but prefers oil free. However, he  enjoys my cooking even with oil, because I use only very little, but this time I decided to see how the soup will turn out totally oil free. I have to say I could not tell the difference, because it is equally delicious. I always like a challenge, so we will see what else oil free I can come up with in the future.  


Hearty Bean Recipe

Author: Lena Novak – Lena’s Vegan Living

Recipe type: Soup

Prep time 20min  Cooking time 2 hours  Total 2hr 20min

Serves 6




Water  (start with 3 cups and add more as needed)

Red beans or beans of your choice 1 cup (pre-soak overnight)

Roma Tomatoes 5 (diced)

Carrots 4 small sliced into wedges 1” long  

Parsnip 1 large sliced into wedges 1” long  

Potatoes 4 cut into cubes

Sweet potato 1 large cut into cubes

Onion cut into 4 quarters

Garlic 4 cloves minced

Red Hungarian paprika 1tbs, heap

Gluten free flour (rice, quinoa or oatmeal) 1/3 cup blended with 2 cups of water (preferably with whisk)

Fresh parsley ½ cup ( leafs without the stems)

Himalayan Pink salt

Black pepper to taste




Bring the water with beans to boil and then turn down the heat to low

Let it simmer for 1 hour

When ready, bring to boil again and add all the veggies, including garlic and onion with salt and black pepper 

Lower the heat and simmer for another hour

In the meantime, prepare the flour blend with paprika and water (blend it thoroughly possibly with whisk)

At the end, add the flour blend and bring to boil again for couple of seconds

Take it from the heat, wait few minutes and add the parsley 

I hope you’re going to try this tasty and healthy soup and I would love to hear your comments.  

Bon Appetit 

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