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Roasted Potatoes with Cheese

Vegan, Gluten Free 

Posted on June 7th 2015


Giving up cheese can be often an obstacle while transforming to a vegan lifestyle. Cheese is addictive and that’s why lots of people get only to a point of being vegetarian. Cheese is not only addictive and very unhealthy, but it is a product of cruel and unethical dairy industry.


The reason why cheese is addictive is because of casomorphins—protein fragments, derived from the digestion of the milk protein, Casein. The distinguishing characteristic of casomorphins is that they have anopioid effect. Yup. Opioids are among the world’s oldest known drugs. Dependence can develop with ongoing administration, leading to withdrawal syndromes with abrupt discontinuation. Opioids are well known for their ability to produce a feeling of euphoria, motivating some to recreationally use opioids. But if it’s already a huge part of our diets in America, so who will actually have to experience the uncomfy withdrawl? You guessed it. Those who try to kick dairy to the curb. Read more 


Luckily, today market offers many dairy free alternatives including cheese from Daiya Company. The one I’m using is a Mozzarella Style Shreds that melts and tastes just like the traditional dairy based cheese. If you did not try it yet, then I highly recommend. This recipe is absolutely delicious and it will satisfy your cheese craving for sure. It goes well with some of my other recipes such as Succulent Bean, Master Chef Kebabs, Emperor Salad and Tofu Delicates. All you need now is to choose a dessert from my recipes list and if you’re planning a party, then your menu is done. 

Cheese Bites Recipe

Author: Lena Novak – Lena’s Vegan Living

Recipe Type: Side dish  

Prep time 20min  Cooking time 35min  Total 55min

Serves 4




Potatoes 7 medium size (washed and boiled possibly day before or at least couple hours)

Garlic 5 cloves minced

Daiya Cheese 1cup   

Black Pepper to taste

Himalayan Pink salt to taste

Scallions to garnish diced 

Vegan sour cream (I use Tofutti

Grilled Asparagus 







Cut each potato in half and arrange them on baking sheet

Take each potato and make a medium size pit in the middle

Add salt and pepper

Fill the pit with Daiya cheese

Top with garlic pinch of minced garlic

Preheat the oven to 400F

Bake for 30min

When ready, switch to grill for five more minutes

Serve garnished with scallions , sour cream dip and  grilled asparagus 



I hope you will try this yummy recipe and let me know how did you like it.


Bon Appetit

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