Tempeh, Wild Rice & Veggies with Miso Dressing
Vegan – Gluten Free
Posted on July 12th, 2015

Buddha’s bowls are very popular these days and there is many ways to make them. This Japanese inspired recipe is one of my favorites and without the tomatoes and chilli peppers it could be also macrobiotic. I personally cannot give up on tomatoes since they’re one of my favorite tings to eat. Not to forget the chilli peppers giving this recipe that extra kick. Either way, this is definitely one of those perfect, yummy and super healthy recipes for busy people on the go.
I like to make the dressings in advance and keep it in the refrigerator in a bottle, so it is ready for me whenever I need it. You can also have the lettuce and kale sliced in a sealed bowl. If you prepare everything a day in advance, you will have the bowl ready for lunch in just a few minutes the next day. I would also like to point out that you don’t have to always use the same combination. For example, you can switch the rice for quinoa, Tempeh for tofu and you can really get creative with the veggies. Almost anything goes, for example, shredded cabbage, radishes, sprouts and all types of leafy greens.
As you can see, all the ingredients are highly nutritious. But I would specially like to give you more details about Miso.
Miso is a paste made from soybeans, sea salt, and koji (a mold starter), and often mixed with rice, barley or other grains. The mixture is allowed to ferment for 3 months to 3 years, which produces an enzyme-rich food. The binding agent zybicolin in miso is effective in detoxifying and eliminating elements that are taken into the body through industrial pollution, radioactivity and artificial chemicals in the soil and food system.
Miso has been a staple in Chinese and Japanese diets dating back approximately 2,500 years. Today, most of the Japanese population begins their day with a warm bowl of miso soup believed to stimulate digestion and energize the body. When purchasing miso, avoid the pasteurized version and spend your money on the live enzyme-rich product, which is also loaded with beneficial microorganisms. Read more

Buddha's Bowl Recipe

Author: Lena Novak - Lena's Vegan Living
Recipe Type: Asian
Prep time 20min Cooking time 10min Total 30 min
Serves 4
Tempeh 1 package (sliced into ¼” thick slices)
Wild Blend Rice cooked 2cups (or brown rice of your choice, follow the cooking instructions on the package, but no salt or oil)
Romaine Lettuce (cut into medium slices )
Kale (sliced into fine slices)
Carrots shredded
Cucumber (cut into quarters)
Tomatoes (sliced the way you prefer)
Black sesame seeds to garnish
Scallion to garnish (diced)
Miso Dressing
Sesame seed oil ¼ cup
Mirin ¼ cup (Japanese cooking wine)
Juice from 1 lemon
Tamari 1tbs
Miso ¼ cup
Wakame Flakes 1tsp
Garlic minced (4 cloves or 1 solo garlic)
Ginger minced 1tbs
Maple syrup ¼ cup
Water 1/4 cup
Chilli pepper flakes just a pinch (optional)
Oil 1 2tsp (to sauté the garlic and ginger)
Sauté the garlic and ginger and blend with all the ingredients in a blender
To marinade Tempeh
Tamari 1tbs
Mirin 1tbs
Sesame seed oil 1tbs
Garlic powder ½ tsp
Ginger powder ½ tsp
Whisk all ingredients in the bowl and pour over the sliced Tempeh
Leave it marinade at least for ½ hour, but over night is the most ideal
Grill the slices on a frying pan, each side until golden brownish
When ready arrange your bowl
Start with rice, second lettuce and kale, carrots and the rest of veggies
Tempeh on top of the rice
Garnish with scallions and sesame seeds
At last, pour the dressing on top (not too much, you can always add more later)

I have no doubt that you will fall in love with this recipe just as I did. I would really love to read your feedback, so make sure you leave comments.
Bon Appetite
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