Chia Pudding with with Berry Swirl
Vegan – Gluten Free
Posted on March 11th, 2017

I know! Another Chia pudding, but you already know I am obsessed with Chia. You may also already know how versatile & healthy Chia is, plus how easy is to make a delicious dessert with it. My whole family loves it too, including our eleven months old twins. They love fruits and sometimes veggies too lol. Well, they are very picky, just like most children, so the fact that they like Chia is really awesome. Their little growing bodies are getting lots of antioxidants, iron, protein, calcium, Omega -3 and fiber. If you have a children I highly recommend you to try is they like it, if you haven’t done it yet.

Chia Swirl

Author: Lena Novak - Lena's Vegan Living
Recipe type: Dessert
Serves: 4
Chia 2/3 of a cup
Canned coconut milk 2 1/2 cups
Maple syrup 8tbs
Blackberry frozen 1 cup
Strawberries frozen 1cup
Fresh Blackberries and strawberries to garnish
4 glasses (8oz 250ml each )
4 skewers
In a bowl, mix thoroughly Chia with 2 cups of coconut milk & maple syrup.
Fill up 4 medium size glasses, with 1 half of the mixture creating the first layer.
Divide the second half into 2 halves.
Blend frozen strawberries with ¼ cup of coconut milk in a high power blender and add them to one half of Chia, while leaving 1tbs of strawberry smoothie for the top layer.
Pour the mixture on top of the first layer and gently blend them together by stirring in the center with chopstick. creating an ombre effect. Make sure you do not blend them fully, but only half way leaving the bottom white.
When ready, add the remaining strawberry smoothie and stir lightly again.
Repeat with blueberries to fill the other two glasses.
Store in refrigerator for couple hours.
Serve garnished with fruit on skewers.
I divided the mixture in three, just for the photo, so if you like to experiment you can try, or you can do all glasses with the same fruit to make it easier.

I really hope you will try this delicious treat and you will add it to your recipe list. Please let me know what you think, I would love to hear your feedback.
Bon Appetit
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